Refund & Return Policy

Items may be returned based on the following conditions:

  1. The product contains a defect (rip/tear, hole).
  2. The incorrect product, size or color was shipped. 
  3. A new product will be shipped if incorrect product, size or color was sent. 

Number of Days Allowed to Return After Purchasing

If for whatever reason there is an issue with your product, you will be able to return the product(s) within 1 to 3 days of receipt.


Once the items(s) is returned, you will receive store credit or a replaced item(s).

Refund and Return Requests

All return and refund requests will need to be made via email at or phone at (804) 349-4246. Please view the Contact page to send a direct call or email.

Shipping Costs for Returns

If returning an item(s), you will be responsible for full shipping costs.

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