My Story

Tarrell Starckey | Influencer

"My brand is about being who you are and living life the way you want to"

Welcome to the Wild Livin website. My name is Tarrell Starckey. Thank you for taking the time to view my site. My brand is about being who you are and living life the way you want to. I want to encourage people to live their lives from a standpoint of purpose. This word means a lot to me because it is why we wake up in the morning, it affects the way we think and how we view the world. Being in alignment with yourself through mind, body and spirit is what makes the world go around. When you are living out your purpose, you are not thinking about yourself anymore. You are now a thought for others and how you can best serve them. My mission is to bring all humanity together, no matter differences or previous history. I want you to focus on becoming the best version of yourself and adding your perspective to the world to make it a better place. I believe we all have a special gift we can share with the world, but it is up to you to find out what that may be. Trust yourself as you embark on this journey working on your greatest asset–YOURSELF.


To empower humanity to be their true selves and live life the way they want.


To create a world-wide movement that inspires individuals to live out their purpose and share their perspectives with the world to make it a better place. 



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